Branch and Dean talk about their new TV Show!
Vamos Festival in Perth Scotland did not disappoint. One of our favourite acts from last year returned once again to impress the Scottish crowd. Branch and Dean came all the way from the States and brought three promising artists and a superb guitar player along with them. The duo who are known for their Honky Tonk style Country, chatted to us last year about their formation and style of music as well as the charity work they do. This year we were keen to catch up with them again and find out what they’ve been up to in the last year!

Can you tell me a bit about what you’ve been up to since we last spoke?
Dean: We’re always looking forward to putting out new music but we’ve also been filming a TV show in this last year and we’re hoping it will get shown over here, we’re just doing a deal so you’ll get to see that, so you get to see the inside of Nashville and probably too much of the inside of Branch and Dean.
Branch: Yeah you get to see what it’s all about, behind the scenes! I think you guys will really love it. We’ve got six episodes and I think that there’s talk about doing some more already.
You talked a little bit there about some new music, can you tell me where your music’s going and who you’re working with?
Dean: We’re just in the process of looking for songs. I don’t know, you tell us, do you think we should stick to more of the same of that Country sound or do you think we should go somewhere else?
I love what you’re doing right now, if it aint broke, don’t fix it right?
Branch: I agree with that! We love what we’re doing and we’ve had the privilege of coming back over to Scotland again this year and we got to play a few little clubs around town this trip before we played Vamos Festival. And we fly to Washington DC and we do a big thing there for the FOP which is the Fraternal order of Police, fallen police officers. It means a lot to us to give back to all those officers who gave to us and we get to sing The Dash. So we’ve got to go through two days of security because the president and vice president are supposed to be there.
Dean: We’ve been warned not to photo bomb him.
Branch: Let’s just leave the word Bomb out of it haha.
Dean: I’m worried about the 17 snipers haha!
Branch: We’re going to have a good time doing that though and like Dean said during the show, we’d like our music to touch at least one soul and hopefully we’ll be able to touch a lot of souls.
You do an awful lot for charity like you’ve said about fallen police officers and cystic fibrosis, I know it’s very important to you guys, how has that been going in the past year?
Branch: We’ve turned into cystic fibrosis ambassadors, that’s kind of our thing, that’s what we’re about but all of the charities are important and we support as many as we can, it’s important to do that for other people. We’re all about people, we love people. And the people are what choose the artist.
You two are very involved in the business side of things as well so how do you juggle the business side and the creative side?
Branch: Well we let Branch stay out of that, Dean handles it! It’s a partnership, we each have our own things that we do, Dean takes charge of the business side of things which saves me a headache!
Dean: Yeah but I don’t know if it would work any other way, we’re family first but the things I can protect him from I do and the things he can protect me from he does. It’s a match made in heaven it really is. I think we’ve both evolved since we started this because I think we now see how many people it touches we’re not as big as we’re going to be I hope but we see it now and I think it teaches you who you are. We have a platform and people come to us and say this song changed my life or that song changed my life but it kind of reminds us that everyone can do great things. Like what you’re doing right now someone’s going to read and you may never hear from them but you’re changing their life. It just puts it in perspective because sometimes we’re blessed enough to have a fan come up to us and tell us that but there’s that doctor out there, or that teacher that’s changed somebody’s life and may never know about it. So do what you love, do what you’re passionate about and do it with everything you’ve got because you never know who’s life you’re changing.
Some great advice from Branch and Dean there! If you haven’t already got a copy of their self titled album go to iTunes or to rectify that!